INDIANAPOLIS — This week's Friday Fit Tip focuses on flexibility in your spine using Pilates.
WTHR meteorologist Lindsey Monroe has been doing Pilates for 10 years and joined Anne Marie Tiernon this week. They visited the Indy Pilates Plus studio of Susan Holewinski to practice movements that will stretch your back and build spinal flexibility.
"You're only as young as your spine is flexible," Holewinski explained. "If your spine is inflexible at 30, you're old. If you're flexible at 60, you're young."
She demonstrated a forward push-through move that builds a more flexible spine.
From a seated position with your hands holding a resistance bar, you roll back as you lower your bar, nod your head forward and push it through and stretch with your ears in between your upper arms. Inhale, then, exhale slowly as you roll it back, keeping the arms stretched out and long. Roll all the way back, taking the bar up and keeping your ears in between your arms as you reach your tailbone to get space in that lower back.
Watch Holewinski coach Lindsey and Anne Marie through the exercise in the video player.
Sometimes, it's hard to make sure you're in the right position, and that's why having a coach like Holewinski can help you make sure your tailbone is pointing down or something else is out of position. The worst thing you want to do is cause an injury when you're exercising to try to prevent problems.
If you want to learn more, contact Indy Pilates Plus to work toward being a best you.