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Summer saving hottest for last in Indiana

Highs in the mid to upper 90s early next week with oppressive humidity arriving later.
Credit: wthr

INDIANAPOLIS — We enjoyed several consecutive mornings and afternoons of pleasant air this week. But as we move forward, we're going to pay a steep price to the piper as the well-advertised hot dome settles over Central Indiana and the Ohio Valley next week.

So if you're not a fan of hot air and increasingly humid conditions you should take advantage of this evening which serves as the perfect back drop for the opening week of Operation Football... Dave Calabro's farewell OPFB season too! The Muggy Meter remains comfortable, so temperatures in the lower 80s to 70s during the games this evening will feel pleasant. 

Weekend Planner:

Going into Saturday afternoon you'll notice an uptick in the Muggy Meter as dewpoints return to the 60s. The increased low-level moisture, combined with daytime heating and upper level energy, allows spotty showers and possibly a few thunderstorms to pop Saturday afternoon. Though many backyards don't see a drop of rain, it will be a wise idea to monitor radar for outdoor plans.

Credit: wthr

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We're still forecasting the return of 90s to arrive on Sunday. At this time it does not appear that dewpoints will be overly oppressive...so temperatures will be near heat indices. This will be true of Monday too, but highs Monday will likely be hotter and reach at least the mid-90s if not upper 90s in some areas.

Hotter Air Next Week:

There will be two different types of heat next week locally. A "drier" and hotter airmass on Monday and then gradually getting more humid into mid-week which ups the ante of heat indices exceeding 100°. But there's a good deal of uncertainty on how humid the air will get. 

Credit: wthr
Credit: wthr

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Muggier air produces higher heat indices while drier air produces higher temperatures. So it's pick your poison. Would you like temperatures in the mid/upper 90s with lower dewpoints or higher heat indices (100°-110°) with muggier highs in the lower/mid 90s?

It's Been Awhile:

Time will tell which wins out. But regardless, we're staring down some of the hottest air of the summer and possibly some of the hotter days in the past 10 years...which only includes four days of 95° in Indianapolis. Plan on extra breaks if you have to be outside, extra hydration, seeking A/C, and pop-up heavy storms that increase later in the week.

Credit: wthr
Credit: wthr

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