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Coolest night since mid-June — and not far from record low | Live Doppler 13 Weather Blog

It's feeling more like early autumn for now, but hotter days are ahead.
Credit: wthr

INDIANAPOLIS — Despite the fact temperatures tonight will be their coolest since mid-June and Indianapolis won't be far (approximately 5° away) from the record low for Aug. 21, (47° set in 1950), we're a long way from being done with summer heat. But to get to a string of 90°+ days, we still have several more crisp nights and mild afternoons.

The air mass currently blanketing the Ohio Valley is producing temperatures more resembling mid to late September versus mid to late August. The cool pattern begins breaking down heading into the weekend as high pressure moves east, and the returning south-southwesterly brings a surge of hot air.

Credit: wthr
Credit: wthr

90s in late August – and September for that matter – are not uncommon in Indianapolis. In fact, the latest 90°+ day in Indy was during October 2007. Thus far, we've only had 11 90° days, which is less than half of the yearly average.

So we're actually due for some hotter days, and the atmospheric pattern developing over the weekend into the first half of next week will deliver.

The weather whiplash brings temperatures from over 10° below average to over 10° above average.

Credit: wthr
Credit: wthr

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