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Carb Day and IPL 500 Festival Parade Forecasts

The rain is gone and won't return until Friday night.

After a couple of days of rain, central Indiana is drying out. Watch for patchy fog early Friday. There will be some sun on Friday afternoon with highs in the middle and upper 70s. Friday is Carb Day at IMS and the gates open at 8am.


There is only a slight chance for a storm Friday late afternoon or early evening. The better chance for storms will arrive late Friday night and linger into early Saturday morning. The latest timeline for this complex of storms is about midnight to 7am Saturday. Here is a look at the maps with FutureTrak13.






If this timing holds, there will be some dry hours for the IPL 500 Festival Parade in Indianapolis on Saturday afternoon. You can watch the parade on Channel 13 from noon to 2 pm, if you aren't downtown. It will be warm and muggy on Saturday afternoon, with highs in the lower 80s.


Another complex of strong/severe storms is possible Satuday night into early Sunday. We will keep you updated on the timing and the placement of the complexes of storms this weekend.

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