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Lightning bug season will peak earlier than normal this year

With a wetter and warmer spring, lightning bugs and fireflies are taking flight a couple weeks earlier than normal in 2024. When will peak be where you live?

INDIANA, USA — Lightning bugs started flying around a bit earlier this year thanks to our wetter and warmer spring overall! Peak season may a bit earlier than normal this year. 

Or are they fireflies? Depends on what you call them and where you live.

Tap HERE to track the latest rain and humidity forecast, which lightning bugs love.

Are they lightning bugs or fireflies?

While there are many species within the family of insects, they are the same thing. Different regions of the country have called them different names, but it's the same bug. We'll use both names interchangeably. Indiana has a strong preference to "lightning bugs."

Credit: WTHR

Americans out west and to the extreme far north tend to say fireflies.

When to expect peak lightning bug season?

There are many species that have varying lifespans and spawning times, but generally we see lightning bugs peak in the south first, spreading north through the early summer season. They tend to come out with warmer and more humid weather.

Some species come out earlier and some come out later. But there seems to be a sweet spot for maximum lightning bug chances in the early summer.

Many in the south started to see lightning bugs on the day of the eclipse back in April!

Credit: WTHR

Lightning bug season started a touch early and may peak a bit early. Local spots may vary on your temperature and recent rainfall. Much of the Ozarks, Ohio River Valley, and Corn Belt tend to have peak lightning bug season in June. Northern states see a peak generally in July.

The map above shows the forecast this year, considering warmer, wetter days. On average these zones may be shifted 100 miles south or so.

When can I expect peak lightning bug season in Indiana?

If you look at dusk, you'll see lightning bugs already in Indiana! Our peak timing to see them will be June. Some locations in southern Indiana may be early June, while most of the state can expect mid June to be peak season.

Credit: WTHR

Once we get past peak season, you will likely still see lightning bugs for a 3-4 more weeks. Gradually as we push into the summer, you'll see fewer flying around in the evening.

How can I get more lightning bugs in my backyard?

Many say that they don't see as many lightning bugs as they did in the past. That is true, but for multiple reasons. As adults we may not be looking as much in the evenings. However as cities get bigger, there are fewer places for them to thrive. You will see more lightning bugs in rural areas, or forested preserve areas in the suburbs.

There are few ways to attract more lightning bugs to your backyard:

  • Cut the grass at a higher length (longer grass blades give them more protection)
  • Turn off exterior lights (messes with their lightning communication to attract a mate)
  • Add a water feature (may also attract mosquitoes)
  • More landscaping with native plants and meadows by a stream can help

Good luck and enjoy the lightning bugs!

— 13News Meteorologist Matt Standridge

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