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You're doing it wrong: Driving instructors explain how to properly use roundabouts

There are more than 135 roundabouts in Carmel — with more on the way!

ATLANTA — Roundabouts are growing in popularity across the country, but some drivers in metro-Atlanta continue to struggle.

According to the transportation consulting firm Kittleson and Associates, there are now more than 10,000 roundabouts across the United States. There are 515 of them in Georgia with more under construction or in the planning stages.

Kittleson keeps a data base of all roundabouts and traffic circles in the U.S. and Canada.

“Studies have shown it increases the efficiency of intersections anywhere from 19% to 90% depending on the intersection,” said Jason Grech of Nathan’s Driving School.

Gretch took 11Alive on a ride around midtown Atlanta for a class in Roundabouts 101.

“The biggest and most dangerous mistake people make is stopping in the middle of a traffic circle,” Grech explained.

When you encounter a roundabout, slow down and yield to traffic already in the circle. If there’s no one there you can enter without stopping.

“Once you’re in the circle you have the right of way,” said Grech. “You don’t stop until you’ve reached your exit."

If there’s traffic in the roundabout when you arrive, wait until there’s an opening remembering that the drivers who’re already in the roundabout have the right-of-way.

“As you approach see whether there’s an opening or not,” Grech added. “You want to be cautious when you approach and make sure you have that opening.”

Once you reach your exit, signal to let others know you’re about to give them room to enter.

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