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State police remind drivers not to put Christmas lights on their cars

This holiday season, ISP recommends leaving the lighting decor to your tree and house.
Credit: Indiana State Police

INDIANA, USA — Indiana State Police is reminding drivers that even though Christmas lights may look festive on your car, it's actually against the law. 

In a Facebook post from ISP's Lowell Post, submitted photos show an SUV decked out in Christmas lights, candy canes and even sporting a Christmas tree on its roof driving around the northern Indiana city of Portage. 

State police say while this may look pretty, it's a distraction to other drivers and also illegal. Indiana Code 9-21-7-10 says using colored lights anywhere outside the front and back of a non-emergency vehicle is against the law and will likely be subject to a traffic stop and further penalties. 

This holiday season, ISP recommends leavening the lighting decor to your tree and house. 

Credit: Indiana State Police
Bollingbrook Police pull over a car decorated in colored Christmas lights.

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