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What to know about the insurance claims process after severe storms

If your home has been damaged, start by calling your insurance company.

INDIANAPOLIS — Insurance is there to make us whole after disasters happen, like the severe storms that struck Delaware and Randolph counties Thursday.

And it's important to know how the claim process works

If there's damage to your home, start with calling your insurance company. Hopefully, you'll get an adjuster to show up in 24 to 48 hours.

Before you go in the house or building, check with public safety workers and utility companies to make sure it's safe.

If you're good to go, take pictures of everything. Avoid touching things until the adjuster shows up. 

Room by room, make a list of what you've lost. You can jog your memory by looking at old pictures of those spaces, if you have them. Include prices if you can.

Keep receipts and invoices for any money you spend on things like hotels, debris removal and tarps.

"Keep the best records you can," said Pat Schaefer, of Gregory & Appel Insurance. "Take pictures. Get confirmation if an adjuster tells you, 'Yes, we're going to pay you for this.' Have them put it in an email, put it into a text message."

If your home is approached by workers, make sure they're licensed and insured, and ask for references.

And if your home wasn't damaged, this is still a good time to take a look at your insurance policy. Double check your content coverage. Make a list of your valuables so it will be available if you have to make a claim in the future.

Residents of Delaware and Randolph counties are asked to call 866-211-9966 to report severe storm damage from Thursday, March 14. Cell tower damage in the area caused previous 211 calls to be rerouted incorrectly.

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