INDIANAPOLIS — The start of the 2022 Special Olympics Indiana Summer Games begins Friday at Victory Field as the Flame of Hope makes its journey from Indianapolis to Terre Haute.
The events start at 9 a.m. with a ceremony, followed by a 3-mile run beginning at 9:30 a.m. that will highlight the Indiana Culture Trail, Monument Circle, Indiana Statehouse and White River State Park.
A similar run will take place at noon in Terre Haute.
"This is actually the traditional namesake event of the Law Enforcement Torch Run program, which is a worldwide program, but it's a wonderful program here in Indiana where officers across the entire state support Special Olympics athletes, and they do that by raising awareness and raising funds because our athletes are never asked to pay for anything," said Stephanie Manner, the director of special events for Special Olympics Indiana.
Police officers from across the state will run alongside the athletes Friday in the event called "The Final Leg Law Enforcement Torch Run." Worldwide, officers have helped raise $50 million for Special Olympics.
"It shows that we support Special Olympics and the more than 18,000 athletes that are around our state," said IMPD Commander Ida Williams. "It's important that we support them. I've been involved personally in the past, and we're just excited to be here again, to kick off the Summer Games."
The Summer Games will be held in Terre Haute June 17-19.
Special Olympics Indiana says they're still looking for volunteers to help with next week's games. You can register to volunteer by clicking here.