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Here's how Indiana's representatives voted on President Trump's impeachment

All 222 Democrats voted for impeachment along with 10 Republicans.
Credit: AP
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., gavels in the final vote of the impeachment of President Donald Trump, for his role in inciting an angry mob to storm the Congress last week, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

INDIANAPOLIS — The U.S. House of Representatives voted 232-197 to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

The second impeachment came after the Capitol riot.

Ten Republicans, including Liz Cheney, Jaime Herrera Beutler and Dan Newhouse of Washington, John Katko of New York, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton and Peter Meijer of Michigan, Anthony Gonzales of Ohio, Tom Rice of South Carolina and David Valadao of California also voted for impeachment.

All 222 Democrats voted for impeachment.

Here is how representatives from Indiana voted:

Rep. Frank Mrvan

Rep. Frank Mrvan (D-IN1) voted for impeachment. Mrvan was one of the lawmakers chosen to speak during the impeachment hearing.

"I support the article of impeachment so that we can move forward and do the work that our constituents sent us here to do," Mrvan said.

Rep. Jackie Walorski

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN2) voted against impeachment. Walorski released a statement about her decision:

“In the wake of a divisive election and last week’s horrific attack on the U.S. Capitol, Congress should be entirely focused on uniting the American people and strengthening our country. Impeaching the president with less than a week left in his term will not advance either of these goals.

“President Trump has pledged an orderly transition to President-elect Biden’s administration, and I call on all Americans to support this effort by remaining peaceful and rejecting all violence. Anyone who commits violent or destructive acts will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”

Rep. Jim Banks

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN3) voted against the second impeachment of President Trump.

You can see a video explaining his decision here:

Rep. Jim Baird

A representative of the office of Rep. Jim Baird (R-IN4) entered a no on his behalf during the roll call.

Rep. Victoria Spartz

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN5) voted against the impeachment and released a statement reading:

“I appreciate a variety of opinions, but any accusations must go through the proper due process, whether it is election fraud or an impeachable offence,” said Rep. Spartz. “As someone who did not support objections to the certification last week, I will not support this political charade today. The rule of law and due process are vital to what our Constitutional Republic stands for.

Congress should stop playing divisive politics and start working on delivering good policies for the American people.”

Rep. Greg Pence

Rep. Greg Pence (R-IN6) voted against impeachment. When it came to Electoral College vote count, he objected to Pennsylvania's but not Arizona's.

Pence explained his vote not to impeach by saying: 

"The President has made it clear he will support a peaceful transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden. It’s time to move on and focus on what truly helps the American people: recovering from COVID-19 and restoring our economy."

Rep. André Carson

Rep. André Carson (D-IN7) voted for impeachment of President Trump. 

He released the following statement:

“It was a sad but necessary duty today to vote to impeach the president, again. But I swore an oath to protect and defend our Constitution, and our Democracy. That means Donald Trump must be removed from office before he does more damage, or more lives are endangered, or lost.

It is encouraging the vote to impeach today was a bipartisan majority of the People’s House, it encouraged me to see some of my Republican colleagues stand up and do the right thing for country.

Unfortunately, some of those who voted against impeachment today, justified their failure to act by saying it would cause more division. But they deliberately ignore the division enflamed by Donald Trump and their blind fealty to his baseless claims of election fraud. They share his denial that he lost the election, and instead, doubled down on efforts to disenfranchise millions of voters, particularly Black and Brown voters. They ignore the irrefutable facts that Trump is a very clear and present danger to our country, our safety, our Democracy.

Many spoke on the floor about healing, but healing and reconciliation cannot occur without remorse, repentance and acknowledgement of the harm and damage their actions and complicity have caused.

I really don’t know what hurts my heart and head the most – the dangerous actions of Donald Trump to incite attacks against Congress, or watching his enablers on the House floor torturously contort themselves into defending his words and deeds.

Their painful denial and delusion is dangerous. These steady drumbeats fueled the deadly mob in Charlottesville and then insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol.

The seditionists were wrapped in confederate flags and Blue Lives Matter flags, when they beat an officer to death – hitting an officer in the head with a fire extinguisher! They claimed they love law and order, but their lawless violence shows us the truth.

The facts are that Trump’s insurrectionists came to the Capitol with plans to kidnap or kill my fellow Hoosier, Vice President Pence, Speaker Pelosi, and other government officials.

I just learned yesterday that I was on the hit list of one of the indicted insurrectionists because I am a Black Member of Congress and a Muslim man. It is extremely disturbing to learn from press reports that I was one of several individuals identified in a list of “good guys” and “bad guys” targeted for attacks.

This indicted terrorist had the means and opportunity to carry out his plans to violently attack, injure and destroy government officials and related offices in our Nation’s Capitol.

These were not idle threats. These were planned and organized measures to take my life, my colleagues’ lives and try to destroy our government.

We must get to the bottom of the failure of law enforcement leadership to protect the U.S. Capitol. We must investigate every lead and prosecute all perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law, including any Members, officers or staff who were complicit in the attack.

Today’s vote to impeach Donald Trump is necessary to remove from office a man who failed to honor his duty to the Constitution and the American people."

Rep. Larry Bucshon

Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN8) voted no on impeaching President Trump a second time.

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN9) voted against the impeachment.

Other votes

One of the Republicans to vote for impeachment was Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio. Gonzalez is a former Indianapolis Colts player and said in part, "When I consider the full scope of events leading up to January 6th including the President's lack of response as the United States Capitol was under attack, I am compelled to support impeachment."

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