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Whiteland comes together for community night with tornado victims in mind

The night featured music, food and fireworks. But more than anything, it was a chance to remind Hoosiers still rebuilding that they've got support.

WHITELAND, Ind. — Neighbors came together Friday to help people still dealing with the effects of tornadoes back in March.

Whiteland hosted a Community Night Out Friday, with music, food and fireworks. More than anything, it was a chance to remind Hoosiers still rebuilding that they've got support.

"When the tornado did hit, everybody was out helping, and we want to continue to show, again, that support of the residents that were impacted and the businesses that were impacted that we here as the town are here to help them get back on their feet," Carmen Young said.

Money raised at the event Friday will go toward the Johnson County Long-Term Recovery Team, a group of volunteers that steps in when disasters hit.

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