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Residents who live near CJC hear plans for potential redevelopment of area

The proposed development will focus on the Twin Aire Shopping Plaza and Drive-In site, located across the street from the Community Justice Campus.

INDIANAPOLIS — A gathering at the Community Justice Campus Thursday night was focused on just that: community. 

Neighbors living by the center on the near east side of Indianapolis gathered to hear five proposals from developers and their plans for how they plan to transform the area.

"We are hoping for companies to bring in more restaurants. More commercial activity. More retail activity. We feel like the government presence is nice, but we need something more personable," Rob Grigsby said.

The proposed development will focus on the Twin Aire Shopping Plaza and Drive-In site, located across the street from the CJC. Each proposal had a few common themes.

"Folks are looking for housing options. Home ownership options. There are a lot of references to work with Kroger," said Ike McCoy, principal program manager for land and real estate of the Department of Metropolitan Development.

Credit: WTHR
Part of the development plan includes the Twin Aire Shopping Plaza and Drive-In site.

With the CJC settled there, the community and the city see that area as a prime place for development.

"It's going to bring a lot of folks to the neighborhood. We have roughly 2,000 public sector employees that spend some part of their day on the campus, and we think it will be a huge impact," McCoy said.

It's an impact neighbors want to be a part of. During the meeting, they asked questions and made sure to give their feedback on the developer's plans. It's something they believe is vital for the success of not only the project but the entire community.

"I think the voices are there. I've been involved in other community meetings — they don't always listen. We have to sometimes speak louder and show up in a stronger force," Grigsby said. "I think the real power comes from the people, not the government."

DMD will continue to accept feedback on the proposals for two more weeks. For more information, click here.

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