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Tornado sirens tested Wednesday

This test isn't for the sirens, it is about testing people

Indianapolis - Tornado season is right around the corner and Wednesday, the state is preparing for the possibility of a twister.

In Marion County, you may have heard a siren around 10:17 am. They will also sound again this evening.

Tornado sirens are tested on a weekly basis, so this drill is more about testing people than sirens.

At IPS School 49 on the southwest side, students followed instructions about what to do in the event of a tornado, filing into hallways and covering their heads. That was not the case downtown where people seemed oblivious to the siren. Some said that was because they knew it was just a drill. Others said they hear sirens so often the warning factor has worn off.

Many said they would welcome a new system in the form of text or email alerts sent directly to their phones. It hasn't been formally unveiled but you can sign up to receive alerts about severe weather in Marion and Hamilton Counties.

"Technology is the new age, so we're constantly on our phones and technology's a big part of everybody's lives so absolutely," said Jimmie Quarles, Indianapolis resident.

"I like that idea a lot," said Peter Tanasovich, Indianapolis, saying that a text message brings more sense of urgency than a siren.

Emergency responders say it's all about being prepared.

"I need to know what to do if something happens. If my house it taken out. If I lose my cars. How am I going to be able to respond to that. How am I going to protect my family, how am I going to get to work. What is my plan, in case of a natural disaster," said Gary Coons, Indianapolis Homeland Security Chief.

Systems will be tested twice on Wednesday: 
10am - 10:30am 
7:30pm - 8 pm

All sirens should be in working order. If you do not hear them go off, call : 317.327.7500

Using technology to warn Hoosiers of severe weather

Although emergency warning sirens wake people up, get their attention, and save lives, they are old school technology.

We wanted to know when Indianapolis public safety officials were going begin taking advantage of tools like smart phones, cell phones and email.

The answer is now. The official announcement is a few weeks away, but Marion and Hamilton County residents can go to the internet and sign up for a new emergency warning system.

Texts, emails, even automated telephone calls sent to cell, home phones or computers. Providing specific warnings of emergencies of all kinds, not just severe weather.

"It allows us to reach you in times of crisis to let you know something is going on. It is not only just for thunderstorms or tornados, it will be for amber alerts. It will be for issues of a major police situation in your area. It could be go to a certain area or lock your doors or be on the look out, if we have something going on," Coons said.

Get Ready Indiana is just for Marion and Hamilton County residents. We are told it will eventually be expanded to include all the surrounding counties.

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