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South side elementary school principal walked 160 miles to visit students from a safe distance

Mr. Kelly, as the students know him, walked more than 160 miles to visit all of his students in 13 different neighborhoods in his south side school district.

GREENWOOD, Ind. (WTHR) — The name of the principal at Pleasant Grove Elementary School is Trael Kelly. So, when you name is pronounced like "trail," you’d better love to do some walking.

Mr. Kelly has proven just that by walking more than 160 miles to visit all of his students in 13 different neighborhoods in his school district on the south side.

In his 10-day journey, he lost 7 pounds along the way, and he went through two pairs of running shoes. But where did this idea begin?

"I had worked with a couple of administrators, putting together food for our families in need," Kelly said. "We went out and delivered food to doorsteps of different kids, and the genuine joy from the kids and their response was overwhelming."

Mr. Kelly tried to get in 20,000 steps a day, so the next logical step was to visit as many of his kids that he could.

"I thought, 'What better way than just going out and trying to reach out to the community through walking as they're trying to find their new norm?'" he said.

Morea than 160 miles later, Mr. Kelly is now a changed man.

"It was more for the kids — I did it for the purpose of filling their hearts," he said. "What I found is it's filled my heart just as much. I think really the winners are the families. I've seen the genuine response from parents just saying, 'Hey thank you, we're struggling a little bit right now, trying to find a new norm.' The joy from the kids, obviously, that's why we do this job.”

Many of the kids met Mr. Kelly with thank you signs, and the principal took advantage of the amazing chalk messages on neighborhood driveways to make a point in his own home.

"I may have used a couple of those chalk drawings that I took pictures of that said 'Mr. Kelly is my favorite!'" Kelly said. "And I just took that home and reminded my wife that somebody thinks that."

Kelly said the toughest part about walking almost 161 miles — besides the fact that it's 161 miles — is the fact that he couldn't get close to his any of his kids to give them a hug. But he knows that's coming at some point in our future.

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