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Outrage continues around Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

International investigators want answers, but say they aren't getting full access to the huge debris field.
Credit: Indiana University
25-year-old Karlijn Keijzer of Amsterdam was pursuing her doctorate in chemistry at IU and was a member of the rowing team.
Still-smoldering debris and personal effects belonging to the passengers and crew of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 were strewn across a field in the Ukraine Saturday, guarded by the same Russian-backed rebels the U.S. Government believes shot the plane down in the first place.

Nearly 300 people died Thursday - 193 from the Netherlands alone - when the flight was shot down by a missile and crashed in eastern Ukraine. Saturday, there was growing outrage involving Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. International investigators want answers, but say they aren't getting full access to the huge debris field.

"It's very clear that Russia supplied the type of missiles responsible for bringing down this type of civilian airline," said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland).

Matters were made even more complicated when investigators say some of the victims' bodies were removed by separatists.

"The world has a moral obligation to ensure that the remains of all victims are recovered and treated with respect," said Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai.

The U.S. is sending three investigators to Ukraine to help crews at the crash site. Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to cooperate in an international investigation - one that grows more difficult amid allegations of rebels destroying evidence and removing bodies.

Thousands of miles away, makeshift memorials have popped up in Washington, DC outside the Malaysian and Dutch embassies honoring the nearly 300 people who lost their lives, including two with ties to the U.S. Quinn Scansman was born in New Jersey and grew up in the Netherlands. He was on his way to meet his family for a vacation. Meanwhile, Indiana University is grieving the loss of 25-year-old Karlijn Keijzer of Amsterdam, who was pursuing her doctorate in chemistry at IU and was a member of the rowing team.

"She was always so positive and, like, willing and hard working," recalled Keijzer's friend, Asja Zero.

Her last work focused on an anti-cancer drug that showed promise treating Alzheimer's. Now, friends and family are left to wonder what could have been.

IU officials have said they will likely hold off on a memorial for Keijzer until the Fall semester when the majority of students return to campus.

NBC's Dan Scheneman contributed to portions of this report.

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