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Once unanimously approved, proposed Muncie plant getting new scrutiny

The west Muncie site has sat fenced off and empty for 10 years.

MUNCIE, Ind. (WTHR) - When a decision was made to let a steel dust recycling plant open in Muncie, a lot of people let their city councilors know they weren't happy about it.

They've got concerns about their health and safety.

An now it appears that officials are reconsidering their decision to let the company move in to the old Borg Warner plant on the west side.

The plant has sat fenced off and empty for 10 years.

"I'm not opposed to a new factory or new business coming," said Ron Lappin, who lives a half-mile downwind.

But he strongly opposes the plant Waelz Sustainable Products wants to build here. It would recycle steel dust, a hazardous waste.

"The thing that concerns me is the mercury output from the factory and the pollutants that go through," he said.

Hundreds of others, like Carley Jefferson, feel the same and have urged councilors to withdraw their support.

"I feel really strongly about it making air quality worse. I don't think it's worth if for 90 jobs, plus the danger that might occur to those employees," she told us.

Council president Doug Marshall said "right now, I'm pretty much dead set against it." He said he has learned more about "potential health issues."

Other councilors told us they, too, were reconsidering their support, just a month after unanimously approving tax incentives last month.

The councilors say they're not sure what their options are. The next step is a permit from IDEM to build on the site, a permit which hasn't been issued yet, meaning for now, the best thing opponents can do is let the state know about their concerns.

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