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New Indiana license plate tells drivers to "put the phone down"

With 80 percent of all crashes caused by driver distraction, a new license plate takes aim at drivers with an important message.

With 80 percent of all crashes caused by driver distraction, a new license plate takes aim at drivers with an important message.

The specialty license plate tells drivers to "put the phone down."

Proceeds from the license plate will go to IMTA-sponsored safe driving programs in Indiana, like the Save a Life Tour, an all-day multimedia event which sheds light on the dangers of distracted driving. The immersive learning experience features "no-holds-barred" video, interactive driving simulators and speaking presentations. Since 2008, the Save a Life Tour has visited 150 military installations in the U.S. and overseas, as well as more than 1,500 colleges and universities and 600 high schools across the country.

It's against the law in Indiana to "type, transmit or read email or text messages" while driving. Those who violate may face fines up to $500.

But the message still isn't getting through.
 There are now more crashes related to texting and driving than drinking and driving. Every year in Indiana, around 800 people die in traffic accidents.

The license plate is the result of an initiative by Perfect Transportation in Indianapolis, the Indiana Motor Truck Association (IMTA), The Office of the Attorney General, Indiana State Police, Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Indiana Department of Revenue and Indiana Department of Transportation.

The "Put the Phone Down" license plate became available on January 1, 2016. Indiana motorists may purchase the specialty license plate at any Indiana BMV license branch, certified partner locations, or the BMV. The plate may be registered on passenger cars, trucks up to 11,000 pounds, motorcycles and recreational vehicles. The cost is $40, with $25 being returned to the IMTA for distracted driving programs.

More info here.

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