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Meet R2-M5, Hamilton County's resident droid!

Some of the most beloved Star Wars characters are the droids, specifically R2-D2. Meet R2-M5!

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Some of the most beloved characters are the droids, specifically R2-D2.

Meet R2-M5!

His dad, Alex King who teaches fifth grade science and math at Hamilton Southeastern schools, built R2-M5 from scratch.

"This is R2-M5," King said. "We call him Rusty because of his coloring. I built him a couple of years ago. I got a teacher grant from Eli Lilly Endowment grant. There's an R2 builders club online and people fabricate the parts from all over the world. My foot shells came from Germany. The dome came from a guy in Cincinnati. These skins are made right here in Zionsville, Ind.

"He's from all over our universe."

King said R2-M5 is red because King is an IU grad, and red and white are Sand Creek Intermediate school's colors, which is where King teaches.

"I bought all the parts in about 3-4 months," King said. "It took about a year and a half to build him to where he is now."

King said he had no idea what he was doing.

"A lot of problems," he said. "A lot of mistakes, but that's how I teach my students at school, too."

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