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Local group ready to help Afghan evacuees settle in Indiana

Exodus Refugee has helped thousands of immigrants from around the world.

INDIANAPOLIS — As tensions in Afghanistan continue to rise, many Afghans are fleeing the country in desperation. Cole Varga with Exodus Refugee and his team are preparing to help as many evacuees as possible settle here in Indiana.

"We are not sure how many Afghans will make it to Indianapolis from these evacuation flights. We are ready for any that do come. We hear that it will be on short notice. In fact, that is our experience with the one family that's come already," Varga said.

That family had to flee because one member was an interpreter. They were on the first evacuation flight from Kabul. He said leaving the country is a life-or-death situation for many.

"Because of that security situation, they may be known to insurgents, their lives may be a little more in danger if it's known they were interpreting and helping the U.S.," Varga said. 

Exodus Refugee has helped thousands of immigrants from around the world. He said what makes this crisis different is how we are seeing it.

"In this case, what makes it so intense and so urgent is that we are seeing it happen before our own eyes, and we all played a part in this role, the U.S. government and military and many veterans in our community that served bravely overseas," Varga said. 

When a refugee makes it to Indiana, most of them will be starting from scratch. Varga is asking Hoosiers to help them start over by donating money, household products or volunteer with Exodus Refugee.

RELATED: Biden keeps to Kabul Aug. 31 deadline despite criticism

"There are certainly struggles like language barriers, finding jobs and navigating public school for the first time. We walk alongside them and do what we can to make sure their lives are safe and sustainable here," Varga said. 

Click here for more information on how you can help Exodus Refugee.

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