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Thousands celebrate Indy Pride Parade on Mass Ave

Organizers told 13News they hope the growth of the parade and festival helps show others that Indy is a safe and welcoming community.

INDIANAPOLIS — Indy's Pride celebration kicked off Saturday morning as thousands flooded Mass Ave for the parade. 

Many told 13News there's a special feeling at the big event that never gets old.

"It's a wonderful thing to see, and it makes me so happy," said Eric Hamilton, who's gone to the parade for 20 years. He says it still gives him the same happy feeling every time.

"The growth is amazing," Hamilton said. "Families are coming out more and more with their kids and getting them exposed to this great event and community we have here."

He says through all of that growth, the biggest has been the support.

"It's a community of love and acceptance, and it doesn't matter who you are or what background you come from," Hamilton said.

While this is a tradition for Hamilton, it's a first for many, like Kreigh Hurst.

"Everyone is pretty excited. They are dancing to the music, and we are having a great time," Hurst said.

As thousands join the route, parade organizers say this shared joy is something they look forward to every year.

"I think there is an importance symbolically and visually of this representation, both of the support and of the LGBTQ+ community that we are here," said Jenny Boyts, Indy Pride Board of Directors.

What many can agree on, however, is that they hope this celebration goes beyond the weekend.

"I would say it does not stop in June," Boyts said. "Let's show this support and show this space that's so welcoming throughout the year." 

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