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Jim Irsay talks about life outside football

Jim Irsay is loving his life outside of football. It’s filled with stories about family and grandkids.
Jim Irsay

Jim Irsay is a very passionate man about the Colts, his family and rock & roll.

I recently had a chance to spend some time with him at his office.

Irsay has a John Lennon guitar hanging on his wall and he knows music history! But he's even more passionate about the Colts and his family.

I've known him for over 20 years and he appears to be healthy and happy.
Jim is all about his grandkids. Five years ago, we joined him as he played and sang a song that he wrote for them. The little ones are growing up and starting to pay attention to Grandpa!

"A lot of times, they will be with me during games and, to say the least, I am not calm and my language is not always as proper as it should be," Irsay said. "'Grandpa, what did you say?' Sometimes my grandson, little A.J., will all of a sudden say...he will say, 'Grandpa! Quiet!' 

"It's such a joy. I think everyone out there that have grandchildren know what a blessing it is."

Irsay also enjoys working with his daughters. They are now third-generation NFL owners.

Carlie Irsay Gordon is involved with the day-to-day operations. Casey Foyt works in marketing and community relations. Kalen Irsay works in corporate sales and community outreach. Kalen's behind the scenes photography has become a big hit on Colts.com.

"It's great. It really is. There is plenty of work to be done and they have really got in there and learned like I did, at some of the grass roots levels like I did," Irsay said.

Jimmy joined the Colts as general manager when he was 24 and became the youngest NFL owner at 37. 

"One thing I pass on to my girls and the future generations, this is pro football and we are in it to win. This is something we take a lot of pride in with our fans," he said.

Irsay reached the pinnacle of success in 2007 on that rainy night in Miami, as the Colts won Super Bowl XLI. He knows this town is overdue for another title.

"You live and die with your fans, because you are so invested in trying to deliver greatness for the football team. It's very emotional. It's tough, as you know, it's hard to win in this league," Irsay said.

The pursuit of that trophy., at 56 years old, Jim Irsay is not done yet - he's still enjoying the ride.

"It's hard to believe how much time has passed. I remember coming here in '84 with the Mayflower trucks, being a general manager at 24 years old and now, to be a grandfather and see my kids involved," Irsay said. "It's really a good place to be."

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