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'Nothing like I've ever seen' | Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis CEO reacts to Hamas attack on Israel

​Many communities in Indiana are holding vigils as the violence in Israel and Gaza continues.

INDIANAPOLIS — As the death toll rises in Israel and Gaza amid fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas militants following Saturday's deadly surprise attacks, many Jewish leaders in central Indiana are closely monitoring the developments.

"No one expected this. It is just a terrible, terrible thing. Nothing like I've ever seen in my lifetime," said Marc Swatez, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis.

Swatez fears for the safety of families and friends that so many in the central Indiana Jewish community have in Israel.

"This is very, very personal for us. The people who are dying over in Israel are people that we know," Swatez said.

The fighting could be far from over.

"This has been called a war by the Israeli cabinet. This is no longer an operation. It's not an action by the military. It's a war, and that means something very, very different, and it scares the heck out of me," Swatez said.

Swatez is concerned about possible attacks here at home.

"As this continues to escalate, yes, I'm very concerned about people attacking the Jewish community, both in Israel where I have friends and family and also here in Indianapolis," Swatez said.

Those concerns now have him finding ways to step up security at Jewish campuses and synagogues.

"The unfortunate reality of being a Jewish community is that security is a constant issue for us," Swatez said. "We've put a lot of money into securing ourselves because we have to, because the group that is attacked in the U.S. more than any other religious group is the Jewish community."

Local vigils

Many communities in Indiana are holding vigils as the violence in Israel and Gaza continues.

There will be a community gathering at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9 at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, located a 600 W. 70th St. on Indianapolis' north side.

In Bloomington, there will be a gathering at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9 at the Sample Gates at Indiana University.

Reaction from Indiana senators

In a statement posted on social media Saturday, Sen. Todd Young described the attacks as "appalling," writing, "The United States stands with Israel and supports its right to defend itself and confront this violence."

"The United States must continue to stand strong with Israel as they respond to these shocking acts of terror from Iran-backed Hamas," Sen. Mike Braun wrote in a statement posted on social media.

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