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IPS School 93 parents back new teaching model

A new effort is gaining momentum to turn things around at a failing Indianapolis school.

A new effort is gaining momentum to turn things around at a failing Indianapolis school.

More than 200 parents added their names to a petition, to bring "Project Restore" to IPS School 93. A group stood outside George H. Fisher Elementary Thursday afternoon, spreading word about the initiative and getting signatures.

Project Restore is a homegrown model of teaching aimed at improving struggling schools. It's already earned the support of nearly every staff member at School 93.

"We would like to be an 'A' school. We would like all of our students to pass ISTEP and IREAD. We would like our students to be on track to succeed in school and in life and we think that can happen," said teacher Kevin Ludwig.

A spokesperson for the district released a statement Thursday stating the administration's support for the Project Restore model.

The petition will be presented to the school board next week.

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