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Infants should not sleep with nursing pillow due to suffocation risk, CPSC warns

The Consumer Product and Safety Commission is warning parents about the risk of keeping pillows in the crib with infants while they sleep.
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Little baby girl sleeps on a bed in a green suit, playmobile revolves over her.

INDIANAPOLIS — The Consumer Product and Safety Commission is warning parents about the risk of keeping pillows in the crib with infants while they sleep. 

Each year, almost a thousand infants tragically suffocate in their sleep, according to CPSC. The organization said products such as nursing pillows and lounging pillows aren't safe for infants' sleep. 

CPSC has identified deaths possibly associated with pillow-like products and continues to analyze data in hopes of determining the risks with these products.  CPSC is not issuing a warning with regard to any specific brand at this time.   

Here is the CPSC's recommendations for parents and caregivers: 

  • Do not allow infants to sleep on nursing pillows or other pillow-like products.
  • Do not use infant sleep products with inclined seat backs of more than 10 degrees. Parents and caregivers should not use infant car seats, bouncers, and other infant inclined products for sleep, and should follow manufacturer instructions. 

  • Follow safe sleep advice. Bare is Best: Do not add blankets, pillows, padded bumpers, or other items to the baby’s sleep environment. Back to Sleep: Always place infants to sleep on their backs on a firm, flat surface. 

  • If you have had an incident with an infant and a pillow-like product, please help in CPSC’s investigation by reporting your incident at our website www.saferproducts.gov. The information you provide could save lives.

A specific brand of products has not been identified in the CPSC's warning.

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