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IMPD hosts free kids summer camp

At the camp, the kids learned about the inner workings of the police department and the criminal justice system.

INDIANAPOLIS — The heat has taken over, but that has not stopped kids from enjoying their summer camps!

IMPD hosted a free kids camp this week. The camp was structured to be both inside and outside, so the kids and instructors could have a break from the heat.

The kids learned about the inner workings of the police department and the criminal justice system. They were also able to do a bike course Friday to see how bike officers do their jobs.

Officer Iris Farries says the camp is good for the kids to interact with law enforcement in a positive way and see a side of law enforcement they might not see everyday.

"A lot of the kids in the city — they have one view of law enforcement. So building those relationships are very important with the youth at an early age so they can kind of have something to counteract what they see on TV or maybe in their personal lives if they had a bad encounter with law enforcement," Farries said. 

Farries says they were able to give out some free water from sponsors to keep the kids hydrated.

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