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Baby delivered in car on way to Indiana hospital

Brynlynn Pruitt wasn't waiting another day to be born.

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — A Kentucky baby wasn't waiting another minute to make her entry into the world Sunday morning. 

Christina Pruitt was scheduled to be induced on Monday, but her daughter Brynlynn decided to pick her own birthday. 

When Christina realized her baby was coming a day early, she and her husband, Zachary, packed up everything they thought they'd need and left their home in Ohio County, Kentucky, heading north to their hospital in Evansville

But along the way, when they reached Owensboro, they had to make a decision.

“She was actually asking me, ‘Hey, should we go here to the hospital, or should we risk it and keep going to Evansville?'" Zachary told WFIE-TV. "And I’m like, ‘I don’t know!’ So I just kept driving, and we didn’t make it but a mile past that bridge and she was ready.”

Stopped at a red light in a construction zone, Christina said she couldn't go any further. Her husband called 911, and a dispatcher in Spencer County, Indiana helped walk them through what to do.

“I had no idea what I was doing. I was just relying on the good Lord to help me, and He pulled through,” Zachary said. “She’s perfect, there’s no problems. She’s beautiful, full head of hair.”

Credit: Pruitt family
Zachary and Christina Pruitt with their daughter, Brynlynn.

In addition to the new member of their family, the Pruitts said they've gained a lifelong friend in that dispatcher.

"When someone's in a situation like that with you, it creates a bond that's unbreakable," Zachary said.

Despite their baby's chaotic first day, the couple said all is going well and it's given them confidence to try a home birth with their next child.

"I feel like we can handle it," Christina said.

"I feel like a pro already," her husband added.

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