INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of Revenue is now accepting appointments for in-person customer service beginning May 26.
District offices in Bloomington, Clarksville, Columbus, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Lafayette, Merrillville, Muncie, South Bend and Terre Haute, as well as the DOR’s Motor Carrier Services customer center are included in the reopening.
The Indianapolis walk-in center will be open for appointments starting June 1.
Call 317-615-7200 to schedule an appointment with DOR’s Motor Carrier Services.
Customers can schedule an appointment online with district offices, or by calling customer service directly. Numbers are listed on each district office web page.
You can call 317-232-2240 to schedule an appointment at the downtown Indianapolis office starting June 1.
Customers will need to call customer service at a number posted on the DOR entrance door when they arrive, and they will be directed from there to their appointment.
Customers in Indianapolis at the Indiana Government Center North can check in with the receptionist inside the DOR lobby.
Before making an appointment for an in-person visit, customers should first contact DOR directly by phone or email.
- Call DOR’s individual customer service line at 317-232-2240, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., EST
- Contact a specific DOR business unit using a list of phone numbers and email addresses
- Visit the Motor Carrier Services page for online services and a list of phone numbers and email addresses
- Email DOR using the online form
- Visit DOR's website to take advantage of other online services available
In accordance with the Indiana State Department of Health’s guidelines, DOR has implemented the following for all appointments:
- All DOR locations with in-person customer service will have glass or plastic partitions between the customer and employee
- Hand sanitizer will be available to both employees and customers
- DOR team members will wear masks
- Masks are highly recommended for DOR customers
Before arriving for an in-person appointment, customers should perform a self-assessment by answering the following questions:
- Have you had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days?
- Are you currently ill? Do you have symptoms of a cold, cough or shortness of breath?
- Do you currently have a fever or have you had a fever within the past week?
If any customer answers “yes” to any of these questions, they should cancel their appointment and contact a health care provider.