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Hogsett discusses possible mayoral run

Former U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett is talking about a possible mayoral run. Hogsett spoke with Eyewitness News political reporter Kevin Rader Monday morning.
Joe Hogsett

A man with a "law and order" reputation may soon begin a campaign for Indianapolis mayor.

Former U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett Monday announced he was forming an exploratory committee. Hogsett has started his new job as a private practice attorney, but said he was using the opportunity to possibly seek office in Indianapolis.

Hogsett will take to the streets Tuesday.

"I intend to spend a lot of time over these next few weeks and months doing what I was prohibited from doing as the United States Attorney, and that is moving around the community talking to a wide variety of different residents of Indianapolis about the challenges that they face," Hogsett told Eyewitness News Monday. "And in order to do that, I also will be - within the next week or so - filing the formal legal paperwork necessary to establish an exploratory committee to actively and vigorously consider a run for mayor."

As for what prompted Hogsett to consider running for mayor of Indianapolis, he said our city's crime is the answer.

"What we experience in the city of Indianapolis right now is nothing less than a violent crime epidemic. And while I think I was a vital partner in attempting to resolve those issues as the United States Attorney, you are limited to identify and prosecuting criminal activity in this community, which we did very successfully," Hogsett said. "But the United States Attorney, the federal prosecutor, has no role to play in our educational system, has no role to play in preschool education for our kids, has no role play for job creation for middle class families in and around Indianapolis. Those are fundamental parts of resolving this issue as well."

"He will be well-funded," observed Republican Analyst Peter Rusthoven. "He is their great home for winning this race so, yes, there will be money in this."

"It's the most over-hyped announcement since LeBron James' decision," added Kyle Walker, chairman of the Marion County Republican Central Committee.

Hogsett announced his resignation from the U.S. Attorney's office last month, effective July 31, after serving in Indiana's southern district for four years. He said his desire to possibly run for mayor changed in May after several people were murdered within a 24-hour period. He said it's also personal as his wife works for a bank that has been robbed twice.

"I have awakened every morning I have served to death threats against me, so when you have lived a life with those kind of experiences and challenges, these petty political arguments seem to all fall away," Hogsett added.

It would be short-sighted to assume he will only focus on crime. When he upset longtime Indianapolis Mayor Bill Hudnet's quest for Secretary of State, he did so by focusing on tax increases, which he alluded to again Monday.

The unofficial Joe Hogsett campaign tour starts Tuesday night when he joins Terry Curry for National Night Out.

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