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Police complete investigation into 10-year-old Greenfield boy's suicide

Fourth grader Sammy Teusch died by suicide after his parents said he was bullied at school.

GREENFIELD, Ind. — Greenfield police said Friday they've completed their investigation into the death of a 10-year-old who died by suicide after alleged bullying. 

The Hancock County coroner ruled the death of Sammy Teusch a suicide due to asphyxiation by strangulation, the Greenfield Police Department said in a statement.

No criminal charges will be filed with the Hancock County prosecutor, police said.

Greenfield PD Chief Brian Hartman said the following in a statement:

"Over the last couple of weeks, there has been a lot of blame and finger pointing. Any time there is a tragic event, we, as a society, want to place blame on someone or something to help take away the pain we are experiencing and get some understanding. There is enough blame that we all probably own some of this. Through our investigation it is believed there was some bullying taking place in this child’s life. Through our investigation the child did encounter some bullying at school, school records show these incidents were addressed. It was also found that bullying was taking place outside the school and sometimes in a place where the child should have felt safest. Bullying is an issue in our society, whether you are a child or an adult. No one is allowed to be different or have a different opinion anymore without someone somewhere being disrespectful and saying hurtful things."

We as a community need to understand we have a problem, no matter the reason for this tragic and untimely death. We have children who feel their lives are so bad that it is not worth living. We need to come together and give these children a life worth living. Children now a days have so many stressors in their lives that they forget to be a kid. We as a society place so much pressure on them through social media, sports, school work, having to get a job, as well as helping around the house that we forget they are just kids and have their own stress and so little life experience to deal with it all."

Credit: Teusch family
Sammy Teusch

Hartman said anyone who may feel they or they child is being bulled at a Greenfield Community School and is afraid to report it should contact a Greenfield Police Department School Resource Office.

Remembering Sammy Teusch

Ten-year-old Sammy Teusch was known by his family for being spontaneous, like when he jumped into a pond in 50-degree weather at the sight of some little waves.

His little laugh and his big smile may not be heard or seen around the Teusch home anymore, but those will live in their hearts forever.

"He was my little boy. He was my baby. He was the youngest one," said Sammy's mom, Nichole Teusch.

His family said Sammy killed himself Sunday morning, May 5.

"I held him in my arms. I did the thing no father should ever have to do, and anytime I close my eyes, it's all I can see," said his dad, Sam Teusch.

According to Sammy's family, he was being bullied up until the night before he died. They said it started last year in elementary school and continued this year at Greenfield Intermediate School.

Credit: Teusch family
Sammy Teusch

"They were making fun of him for his glasses in the beginning, then on to make fun of his teeth. It went on for a long time," Sam said.

What started as words, they say, progressively turned physical.

"He was beat up on the school bus, and the kids broke his glasses and everything, and I called the school, and I'm like, 'What are you doing about this? It keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse. And it's not getting any better. In fact, it's getting worse,'" Sam said.

His dad said that was just one of the 20 times he'd been in contact with the school about the bullying.

13News reached out to the superintendent of schools, Dr. Harold Olin, for an interview and although he wasn't available, he did answer questions. 

Olin said there was no bullying report ever submitted by the parents or the student. But he also said the school's administrators and counselor had regular conversations with the family throughout the year, though he can't share the content of those conversations.

"They knew this was going on. They knew this was going on," Sam said.

Sammy's family said the bullying progressed from school and the bus to places like Snapchat, even despite him having limited access to his phone.

"'I'm going to beat you up. I'm going to beat you up when you get to school.' Saying mean things about his (mom), which would really, really set him off," Sam recalled.

Credit: Teusch family
Sammy Teusch

But despite frequent conversations about listening to those who love you, Sammy's family said he became withdrawn and stopped opening up.

His suicide, they believe, was because he feared going to school after an incident in the bathroom last week and the constant harassment.

And while the family may be putting Sammy to rest in the coming days, his mom wishes she was saying good night instead of goodbye.

"I always tell the kids because Sammy and his sister went to bed first because they were younger, and telling them they had to brush their teeth to get ready for bed and having him not be there to hug before bed," Nichole said.

Credit: Teusch family
Sammy Teusch

Bullying resources

If you or a child you know is dealing with bullying, there are resources available.

The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has a full bullying resource center. Stomp Out Bullying has resources for parents of children who are being bullied. 

Safekids.com has resources focused on cyberbullying, which can follow kids even outside of school. 

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. It's available 24/7.

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