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Good News | SPARK on the Circle

Dave Calabro found plenty of good news at one of Monument Circle's most popular events.

INDIANAPOLIS — Hi, everybody. Dave Calabro here. It's Thursday, and you know the drill. I'm on Monument Circle, let's go find some great news!

"The farmers market is awesome," said one woman visiting SPARK on the Circle. "There's a corn booth there that you can eat the corn, like, just off the stalk."

That booth was literally my next stop.

"My sweet corn is so good that you can eat this stuff raw," the seller said. 

I didn't hesitate to try it and found you CAN eat it uncooked.

"It's like candy, isn't it?" she said. "I always tell people it's so sweet, it's gonna make you cry."

I've got my corn. I'm off to find some more good news.

"Well, this is the healthy part of the market called The Little Project," another vendor said. "We got a couple of gas stations around town. We do four markets, and we're just here to serve health to the people and show them that there's a better way than medicine, you know, medication."

You can check out all of my SPARK on the Circle visit in the video player, and see some previous Good News stories in the links below.

Before You Leave, Check This Out