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Good News | Return to Colts training camp

Colts camp is in full swing and fans were happy to share their good news with us.

WESTFIELD, Ind — 13Sports director Dave Calabro found so much good news at Colts Camp in Westfield last week he decided to visit again today!

We met a young man named Cooper, who had just one thing on his mind.

"Go Colts," Cooper said.

Another visitor had a football-themed riddle for Dave.

"Why did the coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback," he said with a grin.

Dave met Nixon, who was prepared for the day's hot, humid conditions at Grand Park.

"What are you wearing?" Dave asked.

"It's a neck fan," said Nixon. "It cools you down after a hot day."

You can see more of Dave's Colts camp visit in the video player, and click on the links below to check out some previous Good News stories.

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