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Good News: IPS Butler Lab School

Dave Calabro met students and staff at Butler Lab School who had plenty of good news to share.

INDIANAPOLIS — This week, our search for positive, uplifting stories took us to Butler Lab School, IPS 55 at 1349 E. 54th St.

We spoke with students who said they were excited about the extracurricular activities the school offers.

"Right now, I'm in cheerleading, and I'm waiting for Yearbook Club, but there's also chess and journalism and robotics," Akira said. "There's also basketball!"

Dewayne said he's grateful for the staff at the school.

"One thing I like about our teachers in this school is they understand us in a way that nobody else does," he said. "And our basketball season just came up, so our coaches are pushing us forward to be the best we can."

We asked another student what she wants to be when she grows up.

"I have a lot of things," she said. "I want to be a president, a vet and a nurse practitioner."

Credit: WTHR
Students at IPS School 55 give drawings to school custodian, Mr. Willy.

And we were there when Mr. Willy, a school custodian, was presented drawings and notes of appreciation from a couple of students.

"When I see kids do like this to say thank you and do stuff like that, it makes me feel so warm inside. It makes my sweat, tears, every day hurting worth it!" Willy said.

You can see more of our visit in the media player, and check out some previous Good News stories in the links below. 

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