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Good News: Indiana State Fair

Dave Calabro took his quest for good news to the fairgrounds this week - and while he was at it, tried some iconic state fair treats.

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana State Fair continues through Aug. 18, and Dave Calabro stopped by for another chance to hear your good news - and, of course, to sample some great food and beverage.

"You gotta go to (Indiana Farmers') Dairy Bar, so I'm trying strawberry today," Dave said, hoisting a milkshake.

Dave met one woman who didn't mention fair fare as her top reasons for visiting.

"I love just seeing all the people here and the different exhibits," she said.

Dave lined up next to Luke near the grandstand. They didn't see eye-to-eye, so to speak.

"Someday, I'm gonna grow up and be as tall as Luke," Dave said. "I'll have a growth spurt one of these days."

And we ran into another guest who offered a piece of Hoosier trivia we hadn't heard before.

"Oh, good news, Indiana has eight times more chickens than people, is what I read!" she said with a smile.

You can see all of Dave's return to the Indiana State Fair by clicking on the video player, and check out some previous Good News stories in the links below.

And if you and your family are planning a visit to the fair, click here for what you need to know.

Before You Leave, Check This Out