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Good News: Future paleontologist receives special gift

A student at IPS School 107 told Dave last week of his science ambitions. Today, a stranger made sure his plans got launched.

INDIANAPOLIS — 13Sports director Dave Calabro has a knack for finding positive, uplifting stories, and he's making a return visit this week to IPS Lew Wallace School. 

You may remember Dave's conversation last Thursday with a special third grader with big ambitions. Now, young Abdullah Muhammad is about to get a big surprise.

We asked Abdullah if he remembered us and why we were at his school last week.

"Yes, I do, to make us tell some good news," Muhammad said.

Muhammad had shared with us that he wanted to be a paleontologist when he grows up. 

"A dinosaur scientist!" Muhammad said.

On Thursday, we introduced Muhammad to Pamela Stevens, who had seen last week's Good News segment.

"I was so taken by your interview with Dave that I knew that you deserved this," she said, gift bag in hand. "And you were the only person in the world that I would give it to."

Credit: WTHR
Pamela Stevens gave IPS student Abdullah Muhammad a 190-million-year-old fossil after hearing about his love for paleontology.

Muhammad was pretty excited as he unwrapped the mystery item.

"Ooh, wait," he said. "Is this my very own fossil?"

"That is a fossil," Stevens told him. "Ammonite."

"How old is it?" Dave inquired.

"190 million years old," Muhammad replied.

Muhammad thanked Stevens for the remarkable gift and gave her a big hug.

And as he headed back to class, Muhammad paused to proudly show his prize to everyone in the hallway.

"I got a new fossil!" he said.

You can watch this special moment by clicking on the media player above and see some previous good news stories in the links below.

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