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Good News | Brian Pettingill's 'receipt art'

Brian Pettingill's unique message to his customers is becoming the talk of the town.

INDIANAPOLIS — If you visit a Denny's on the south side of Indianapolis, you may already know the server with a unique way of bringing smiles to his customers.

Brian Pettingill's incredible "receipt art" has become the talk of the town.

He's worked at the restaurant for about eight years, and he does so much more than serve food.

"I like to draw on (customer) receipts," Pettingill said. "I try to just do it like real fast so ... I guess we're pretty busy here at Denny's."

He showed us one drawing that featured a little muscle car.

"Yeah, oh yeah. An old Camaro," Pettingill said.

A 13News viewer sent us some of Pettingill's work recently and told us they used to bring their kids to the restaurant just to see Pettingill.

Credit: WTHR

"Well, that's awesome," Pettingill said. "Yeah, they were one of my favorite regulars that came in."

And it's not just receipt drawings for Pettingill. We saw some impressive works Pettingill created in much larger formats. We asked him why he doesn't make it his full-time job. He said part of the answer is that he treasures his work at Denny's.

Credit: WTHR

"I do. I really needed a job. I was let go from my last job and this is the first job I got after that," Pettingill said. 

Pettingill talked about the "family feel" and the regular customers he's gotten to know.

"Every day. I have an eight-hour shift. I usually wait on maybe 12 to 15 regulars that come in and, you know, I know they're hungry, but I hope to hope they come in and ask for me and just see me on a daily basis, actually," Pettingill said.

Credit: WTHR

And put a smile on their faces.

"I try to," Pettingill said.

You'll see more of our visit with Pettingill when you click on the video player, and check out some previous Good News stories in the links below.

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