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Good News: 35th Ice Cream Social

Dave Calabro visited the sweet event on Monument Circle, where everybody seems to be smiling.

INDIANAPOLIS — It’s Thursday, and that means 13Sports director Dave Calabro is on the hunt for good news, this time on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis.

We visited the 35th annual Ice Cream Social, where everybody seems to be smiling. Brooke told us proceeds from the event benefit a special cause.

“The Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis get all the proceeds today, at five dollars Sunday, and they put all this money back into their clubs. Very important to our Indiana Dairy Farm families to do good things in the community. Boys and Girls Clubs of Indianapolis doing really great things in the community,” she said.

A representative of the organization told us more.

“So we offer a variety of programs at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis. We provide a safe place where kids can come and truly just be kids and then there's a whole bunch of other amazing programming around our young folks,” the rep said.

Dave also ran into an Indianapolis Colts cheerleader, who reminded us that training camp is coming soon. Dave asked if she would be there.

“Of course, of course,” she said. “Signing autographs, taking pictures, the whole nine.”

You can see more of our Ice Cream Social visit in the video player, and check out some previous Good News stories in the links below.

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