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Concerns raised over AES Indiana's pending rate hikes

The pending rate hike would raise monthly service charges for customers.

INDIANAPOLIS — People are speaking out regarding AES Indiana's pending rate hikes.

The company held its first public field hearing so that customers could raise concerns. The pending hike would raise monthly service charges for most customers from $16 to as high as $25.

A customer's base rate, which is based on total electricity use, would also increase.

AES Indiana says the changes are needed for infrastructure projects and other costs, but customers voiced frustration at the hearing.

"You can't live in Indianapolis, Indiana, and use electricity no matter what you do, no matter what how hard you try to conserve without AES bleeding more and more and more every few years," one person said.

The focus of these hearings is on public input, so AES didn't answer any questions.

The next public hearing is scheduled for Oct. 2.

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