In 2018, there were four murders in Kokomo, but six last year. Already in 2020, one person has been killed, and two more hurt in non-fatal shootings.
“We are trying to alleviate the violence that has erupted here in Kokomo, it’s just become outrageous,” said Bishop Charles Glenn, who will head up the organization.
Glenn said organizers plan to take part in patrol to reach out to young people but also want to partner with businesses and colleges to help provide an alternative.
“Our young people in particular we want to stop them and come up with ways to get them jobs and continue their education and maybe just maybe that will be the catalyst to stop some of the things that are going on now,” said Glenn.
Jack Woodard is a business owner in Kokomo and will be on the board for the coalition. A few years ago a masked gunman tried to rob his shop on Taylor Street.
“There are shootings every week here now. And that’s something that used to didn’t happen,” said Woodard. “And so I think it could get to be very dangerous.”
Organizers say they hope to start patrolling and engaging the community in the next few weeks.