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Colts super fan Giovanni making incredible progress after 30 surgeries

His outlook on life is amazing, and Giovanni Hamilton is not done chasing his dreams.

INDIANAPOLIS — Through the years I've met some amazing people that love the Indianapolis Colts, but there's a 16-year-old who's taking life one step at a time in a big, big way.

If you hang around the Colts for very long, you'll see him with that big smile. He's friends with many of the players because of that upbeat attitude. Giovanni Hamilton's smile was even wider at the Colts' Oct. 29 game against the New Orleans Saints, and it had nothing to do with the football game.

"This is my first time ever walking at a sporting event with no equipment, and two healthy legs," Giovanni said.

Giovanni was born with a rare disorder which causes abnormal bone and muscle development. At 16 years old, he's already been through 30 surgeries.

"I think that going through the surgeries, it teaches you a lot of lessons, one of the lessons being I'd rather spend my life happy than miserable," he said. "So I'm very excited, I'm very fortunate to be in the spot that I'm at in life, and it's just been a blast."

Giovanni is having a blast right now. He's found a platform as "Gio the podcaster." He operates a very successful sports social media campaign out of his Noblesville bedroom. He talks sports and other bigger issues.

"Whatever issue you're dealing with, whether it's mental health or physical health, just know that you're not alone. I've been through both of those things, and it's been tough, but I've gotten through," Giovanni said. "I think the one thing that I like to remind people is you always have a friend in me."

His outlook on life is amazing, and Giovanni is not done chasing his dreams.

"I want to be an NFL reporter or broadcaster for the NFL Network," he said.

"So my job's safe then, you don't want my job? You want the big boy job?" I asked him. 

"A hundred percent," he replied.

Giovanni Hamilton – 16 years old and wise beyond his years.

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