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Broad Ripple neighbors come together to clean up after Thursday's storms

Trees were blown over onto houses and cars, and power was knocked out at thousands of homes in Indianapolis Thursday.

INDIANAPOLIS — Neighbors in South Broad Ripple said it didn't take long for the severe weather to strike Thursday afternoon, forcing them to seek shelter.

"We saw the wind picking up and the trees blowing. We started running back to our house. We made it back inside," Bailey Klipsch said. "I actually heard electrical lines sparking. It looked like fireworks in my neighbor's yard. It was so dark."

The noises heard outside their doors gave them hints as to what was going on from inside the safety of their homes.

"I heard like a snap of a tree. It happened really fast. The rain started to come. Once the rain came, the wind started to calm down," Klipsch said.

After things calmed down, some people walked out of their homes to find they had no power, trees were blown over in their yards and on top of roofs.  

"Luckily, it didn't go through our roof, I don't think," Klipsch said.

"The storms came through. I got a call from my daughter saying her car had just gotten crushed by a tree," Peter Vanvleet said.

During breaks from the rain, homeowners surveyed the damage and counted their blessings.

"I came over with my chainsaws. We got to work trying to clear everything off. She was able to get her car moved. I've been out here doing debris work ever since," Vanvleet said. "The tree across the street is massive. The size of that tree falling down on cars or houses like it did, I'm just glad no one was hurt."

After the storm, thousands of people were without power. The Indianapolis Fire Department said they responded to 104 downed power lines, 20 EMS-related incidents, 10 tree fires, and three collapse runs. 

However, after the fire department left, the neighbors were there to help each other pick up the pieces.

"That's what makes it work. Otherwise, you're by yourself. It's overwhelming. My daughter was very distraught. To have everybody showing up like they did is perfect, " Vanvleet said.

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