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Ben Davis student apologizes for controversial photo

A Ben Davis High School student who appeared in a controversial photo says she wishes she could take it all back.

A Ben Davis High School student who appeared in a controversial photo says she wishes she could take it all back. 

The image shows the African-American student and a friend in white make-up and trash bags on what seniors called "White Trash Day."

Parents and students say the photo was disappointing, unacceptable and offensive. The girl's grandmother now fears the picture could have bigger consequences.

"I really do apologize for anyone that I offended. But I would like them to know my intent was never to come across as racist or being disrespectful," the student said.

The college-bound senior asked we not reveal her name. She says Wednesday was so-called "White Trash Day" at Ben Davis, part of "Spirit Week" for seniors. 

She and her friend posted a photo of themselves. Both girls wearing white face powder, wrapped in trash bags and bits of garbage. Other students of other races participated, too, the school said.

But the photo sparked controversy.

"The word itself, that's what we were doing. Just white and then trash. But we weren't talking about the stereotype of a country person. That's not what we were aiming for," the student said.

She says a white person in blackface would offend her. Just as she was offended when she saw a white male student in the school hallway with a Confederate flag over his shoulder last month.

But the "white trash" prank?

"We didn't think it would go that far. We were just thinking it's a joke...hee hee, ha ha," she said.

Back at school Thursday, she was hurt when other students told her it came off as racist. She's on suspension, technically for a paper ball fight in the hallway - another spirit day thing - but she thinks it's because of the picture. She just hopes she'll be able to walk with her class at graduation.

"I've worked way too hard to not walk with my class and I think that would be real hurtful," the senior said.

The girl's grandmother said she has "waited 12 years for my granddaughter to walk across that stage and to take that from me is not fair to me as a parent."

The grandmother says she raised her granddaughter to accept everyone. She's upset with the photos impact. 

"They were being called racist. They were being taunted at school, on social media," she said. "Don't be so hard on them. They made the wrong decisions."

She has a message she wants other parents to know.

"As a mother, I'm sorry if your kids got offended, if you got offended," the grandmother said.

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