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As Hoosiers change the way they drive, lawmakers may have to rethink how state pays for roads

Officials met with INDOT this week and were told the department faces "a fiscal cliff."

INDIANAPOLIS — Hoosiers are changing the way they drive and the state may have to change how it pays for roads. 

In a meeting with lawmakers this week, INDOT said it is facing "a fiscal cliff."

Significant funds for the highway department come from the state's gas tax. As Hoosiers buy more fuel-efficient and all-electric cars, they buy less gas. 

Eighty-two percent of state road funding comes from fuel taxes. 

INDOT estimates by 2040, the drop in gas sales could cost the department $150 million every year.

There are charges for electric vehicles, but all of that money goes to Community Crossings matching grants for smaller towns. 

Those funds are a tiny part of the funding now, but as electric car sales go up, so could the impact.

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