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As expenses skyrocket, Grant County Humane Society takes fundraising to social media

"Our vet bill monthly can run anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000, so it was time for us to seek other help," said the group's executive director.

MARION, Ind. — The Marion-Grant County Humane Society is taking its fundraising efforts to Facebook.

With the rising cost of supplies, food and gas, organizers say extra steps were needed to support the shelter.

"Our vet bill monthly can run anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000," said Angela Martz, executive director. "So it was time for us to seek other help."

Martz' sister, Patricia Freeman, volunteered to coordinate an online auction to raise money for the humane society. It's called Marion-Grant County Humane Society Auction on Facebook.

In just the first week, the site gained more than 500 members.

"We were like, blown away," Freeman said. "It's just overwhelming, the generosity from everybody in the community. It is wonderful. It really is."

Auction items include everything from pet supplies to craft items to antique collectables. Most of the items are donated from community members.

"They are so generous," Martz said. "Our community, Grant County, is one of the best, giving communities. "

The Marion-Grant County Humane Society also has a brick-and-mortar resale shop in town, with 100% of the funds going back to the shelter.

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"That is a great place to go," said Freeman. "You can purchase right from them, and the money comes right back to the shelter. Also, we get to go in and pick out items that we get to feature for the auction."

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Martz says the Humane Society needs the help now, because it houses even more animals this time of year.

Credit: WTHR/Samantha Johnson

"It is kitten season," says Martz. "Last year, we got in roughly 300 kittens, and they all need care. They are all without mothers. Some of them, unfortunately, will not make it. They don't do well in a shelter environment, and so we have to spend the money that it takes to care for them. Formula is not cheap."

Martz says her shelter currently has more than 150 cats and kittens along with more than 60 dogs up for adoption. With that many animals, organizers of the auction say every donation helps.

"The Marion-Grant County Humane Society is 100% community funded," said Martz. "This is the community's humane society, is what I called it. There is always something you can do, and you know what, if you can't give money, you can give time. We are always open for volunteers. We always have laundry to fold. We always have a dog to walk. Our animals love socialization. Even if you don't want to come in here and work, come and sit. Come and play with a kitten. Come and play with a cat. Pet a dog. Socialization for them makes them more adoptable."

The items currently up for auction will close the morning of June 24. Item pick-up is on Saturday, June 25 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Marion-Grant County Humane Society. Freeman said small items can also be shipped, if the winner is willing to pay for the shipping cost.

Martz and Freeman say the plan is to keep the Facebook page as a rolling auction site, with new items posted every Thursday night.

Starting June 27, there will be an added bonus to the Facebook page.

"We are going to be having a live night on Mondays," says Freeman.

Each week will feature a special guest, like an animal or volunteer at the shelter, she said. Freeman expects those shows to last about an hour every Monday starting at 7 p.m.

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