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911 call reveals frightening moments after plane crash

Police have released the 911 call after a plane crash in Tippecanoe County that left two Purdue students seriously injured.

Tippecanoe County - Police have released the 911 call after a plane crash in Tippecanoe County that left two Purdue students seriously injured.

Police say Anthony E. Cole and Thomas A. Williams, both 22 and from West Lafayette, were in the vintage plane when it crashed Tuesday near the 6700 block of Goldsberry Road.

The call reveals the frightening moments after the World War II-era plane crashed in the woods. Passenger Tom Williams climbed from the wreckage and made the call.

Listen to it here.

This is a portion of the transcript:

Caller: I need your help.
911: Tell me where you're at?

Caller: I was just flying with my buddy.
911: You were sliding?

Caller: Flying.
911: Flying?

Caller: In an airplane, we just went down.
911: Tell me where you're at?

Caller: I don't know. We're in the middle of the woods.
911: Ok, you need to tell me what area you were in.

Caller: I-65 heading north, I think down near the river, that's all I know. He was an experienced flyer.

911: What's your name, ok?
Caller: My name is Tom.

911: Tom what?
Caller: He's hurt badly.

911: I want to help you but what's his last name? What's your last name?
Caller: Tom Williams.

911: Is the aircraft on fire?
Caller: No but it's leaking gas and he's stuck I can't get him out.

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