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Eastern Hancock Schools cancel classes Wednesday over flu outbreak

Leaders at Eastern Hancock Schools are canceling classes Wednesday after a high number of students and staff caught the flu.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Ind. (WTHR) — Leaders at Eastern Hancock Schools are canceling classes Wednesday after a high number of students and staff caught the flu.

"When we realized what we are facing, we stepped up our cleaning and disinfecting efforts in classrooms, common areas and surfaces that students come in contact with," said Superintendent David Pfaff in an email to Eyewitness News.​

Pfaff said the biggest concern is at the high school where the absent rate Tuesday reached 25 percent.​

That's about 100 students. ​

"The absence rate has surpassed the 20 percent threshold for reporting yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday). I cannot recall having an illness-based sick rate that high in my 41 years," said Pfaff. ​

The illnesses range from bronchitis and strep throat to Influenza A and Influenza B. ​

"We had a lot of people out lately and a lot of teachers, too," said Emma Weiss, a junior at Eastern Hancock High School. ​

Weiss, along with nearly 1,200 other students in the district, will be learning from home thanks to a new eLearning program the school system adopted this year. ​

Some parents say because it's flu season, closing schools wasn't a surprise. ​

"I'm actually glad they're being proactive and staying ahead of things rather than waiting around to see if it gets worse," Bryan Weiss said.​

Weiss said he happy things aren't worse.​

"I think it has something to do with what's been on the news a lot lately with coronavirus and what not. I was glad to hear that wasn't something that made it's way here," said Bryan Weiss.

During classes Tuesday, teachers were giving constant reminders to students.​

"There have been more hand sanitizers around and Kleenex and teachers have been like, 'Wash your hands' all the ​time," said Emma Weiss.​

Pfaff said a growing number of staff are also becoming ill.​

"Many are trying to just 'get through the day.' It is our hope that some forced time away from school will not only give us access to all the building spaces but it will also hopefully keep students and staff from continuing to spread the various illnesses to each other," said Pfaff.​

All activities scheduled for Wednesday have been canceled.​

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