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Indiana recognizes nearly 300 schools for meeting the state's literacy goal

The schools that were recognized had at least 95% of students that demonstrated reading proficiency in 2024.
Credit: Indiana Department of Education
The schools that were recognized had at least 95% of students that demonstrated reading proficiency in 2024.

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Eric Holcomb and Indiana Secretary of Education Dr. Katie Jenner recognized educators Wednesday from nearly 300 schools that met the state's literacy goal

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) said 283 schools had at least 95% of students that demonstrated reading proficiency in 2024. 

“Our statewide goal of achieving 95% reading proficiency among Indiana students is ever closer because of the work these schools have done and continue to do everyday,” Holcomb said. “Reading is foundational to all other educational and quality of life goals we set as a state, and I want to commend the educators at each of the schools honored today for their commitment to a brighter future for our students and the state of Indiana.” 

Some schools that scored perfect scores include Allegiant Preparatory Academy, Carl G Fisher Elementary School 1, Holy Family School and Ladoga Elementary School. 

Indiana held its first literacy celebration last year, and 241 schools were recognized then. This year's celebration marked an increase of more than 40 additional schools. 

Credit: Indiana Department of Education
The schools that were recognized had at least 95% of students that demonstrated reading proficiency in 2024.

“When it comes to supporting every child to reach their full potential, one of the most important things we can do is teach them to read,” said Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education. “The ability to read has an impact on students’ academic achievement, as well as their lifelong opportunities. While we must certainly continue to keep our foot on the gas pedal to ensure all students are reading by the end of third grade, today is about celebrating the impactful work of schools, educators, parents and families and communities across Indiana working together for students. Congratulations to all of the schools that hit our shared 95% goal, and let’s keep this positive momentum going for Indiana students!”

You can look at all the schools that were honored here

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