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Indianapolis woman's home hit by 'paint bombs,' vandalized for nearly a year

Paulette Caldwell said the incidents began in February when she found her mailbox had been spray-painted.

INDIANAPOLIS — Home security video shows a person throwing a bag full of paint with a firecracker inside at 78-year-old Paulette Caldwell's home in Indianapolis. The person can be seen running down her driveway near 71st Street and Rodebuagh Road on the northwest side of Indianapolis.

"You know, I've been living here peacefully. I'm a widow. I don't bother anybody. So I don't know what this person or persons' plan is. I don't know what they want," Caldwell said.

She said the vandalism began in February when she found her mailbox had been spray-painted. The following month, paint bombs started getting thrown onto her driveway. In April, Caldwell said they threw dozens of nails onto her driveway on three different occasions. And July is when she came out to find paint splashed on the front of her home.

Credit: Paulette Caldwell
Paulette Caldwell says it started with vandalism of her mailbox.

"I haven't had any argument with anybody. No road rage, no nothing. I'm a private person. I don't bother nobody. So I just don't know why they keep coming back here attacking our home," Caldwell said. 

Caldwell also said she started getting strange letters sent to her home.

Credit: Paulette Caldwell
Paulette Caldwell says someone has been leaving nails like these in her driveway.

"Well, this one says, 'So very proud of you, way to go. Hi.' Then, they tear off the rest of the card. This one says, 'You deserve a thousand gold stars'. Tore off the back. This one says, 'A life well-lived, a loving heart, and a lasting legacy' and then on the inside, a sad face," Caldwell read.

Since these incidents, Caldwell said it's harder to sleep at night. She's calling on her community for help.

Credit: WTHR
Paulette Caldwell told 13News the damage to her home has been going on for months.

"We haven't done anything to anybody. I wouldn't want this to happen to you. I would help my neighbors if I knew something or saw something. I would do it," Caldwell said.

Caldwell said she has reported this incidents police.

13News' Chase Houle has reached out to IMPD to see if they are investigating the vandalism but hasn't heard back. 

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