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'It's all my fault' | Jamey Noel speaks at sentencing, apologizes to family, friends and colleagues

Noel agreed to plead guilty to 27 felony charges.
Credit: WHAS11
Former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel cries as he reads a long apology Monday, Oct. 14, during his sentencing hearing in Clark County Court.

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — A teary-eyed Jamey Noel stood up and addressed the courtroom Monday during his sentencing hearing, and apologized to a number of the people he hurt in the past several years.

Noel, the former Clark County sheriff and CEO of the Utica Township Volunteer Firefighters Association and New Chapel EMS, agreed in August to plead guilty to 27 felony charges. On Monday, over a dozen of his victims delivered impact statements with him seated just feet away.

Then Noel, handcuffed and wearing an orange jumpsuit, took several moments to collect himself before addressing the court. Here's everything he said:

Thank for allowing me the opportunity. As a Christian, it's always important to acknowledge your sins. Which I do. To repent, which I have and I will. And I'm sorry if I wasn't able to apologize to any of the witnesses who spoke earlier. There are some things I'm not going to say because I don't want to dare make it seem like I'm trying to deflect blame. Because [the blame] is mine. 

There are reasons why this was allowed to happen. It's not who I am. It's definitely a big mistake that I made.

Victims you haven't heard from is my family, and I apologize. I ask my kids to forgive me for not being honest with them about where the money was spent or where it came from. My dishonesty with them has caused them great emotional pain and suffering. My daughter Kasey lost her freedom because of me. It's all my fault. My family had no knowledge of the business I was running, how I was running it, or whether or not I had the right to tell them how to spend their money or use their credit cards. I controlled everything when it came to my family's finances. I can think maybe over 28 years of being married I may have asked for 10 checks for her to sign. I took out the garbage. My family trusted me to do that and I obviously didn't do it.

I prepared everyone's taxes on Turbo Tax without their input. As a matter of fact, when Kasey bonded out, she said, 'Dad could you do my taxes? I need the money because I paid bond.' I said 'Kasey I can't do it.' She had just been charged for something I did. They were victims of my deceit like everyone else and I hope they can forgive me.

Second, I ask my wife of 28 years to forgive me. I understand why she wants to end our marriage. I don't blame her. I violated her trust more than once and I lied to her. I know this has caused her a lot of embarrassment and heartache and hatred toward her. I was not honest with her about the money, credit cards or taxes, which I did. I'm sorry I caused her so much pain and embarrassment. 

I apologize to the citizens of Clark County that trusted me, voted for me and let me be their sheriff. Including everybody - some of which you heard from - who helped campaign for me. I let sin overtake me and I violated their trust, and I'm sorry.

I apologize to the men and women of law enforcement, fire and EMS. I spent a lifetime as a law enforcement officer, volunteer fireman and EMT. I know how difficult it is to do the job. My activities have tarnished the reputation of the public safety community and it's not fair to them. My actions should not tarnish them. It's my fault.

I apologize to my friends and colleagues who were brought into this case because of me. I'm sorry to each and every one of you. I never asked anyone to do anything wrong. I never expected you to do anything wrong. But because of me you have suffered, and I apologize.

I apologize to you judge, the prosecutor and legal team. In the end, I thank them for being fair and forthright in consideration of my crimes. I do not look forward to the next 12 years judge if you accept this plea, but I understand why I'll be spending time in prison and I accept it.

Finally I ask for forgiveness. I'm a lifelong Catholic and I understand the Lord will forgive me, and I hope all of you can forgive me too.

Judge I'm going to say just a short prayer because that's what I need to do. I need to make things right:

I confess to almighty god, to my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my thoughts, my words, in what I have done and what I failed to do. Through my faults, through the most grievous faults. Therefor I ask the blessed Mary and virgin, and all the saints and angels, and brothers and sisters to pray for me. I'm sorry and I hope I didn't leave anyone or anything out. Thank you, your honor.

Noel is still waiting to potentially be sentenced Monday.

Watch Jamey Noel's full statement below

Case background

Jamey Noel faced 31 felony charges, including counts of theft, tax evasion, corrupt business practices, ghost employment, official misconduct and money laundering. The Indiana State Police investigation began in June 2023 following allegations that Noel directed jail staff to work on his personal property and run his personal errands while on county time. 

His wife Misty Noel pleaded not guilty to 10 felonies; five counts of theft and five counts of tax evasion.

Daughter Kasey Noel pleaded not guilty to nine felonies; five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion.

According to previous court documents, ISP lead investigator Lt. Jeffrey Hearon found millions of dollars of personal purchases made by all three on Utica Township Volunteer Firefighter Association credit cards. He also stated they failed to disclose income on their taxes over a five-year span.

Jamey ran UTVFA for many years until January when he was ousted by the board.

In March, investigators uncovered over $100,000 in tuition and education-related payments were made from the cards by Jamey and Misty. Hearon asked a judge for permission to search Indiana University records regarding Josey and Gracy Noel -- Jamey and Misty's other daughters who are currently enrolled at IU campuses.

In April, ISP said the family spent over $300,000 on vacations using fire department funds without reimbursement. Noel was ordered to serve 60 days in jail on April 9 after a judge found him in contempt of court for having firearms in his home in violation of his bond conditions.

The investigation also uncovered Jamey fathered a child with former Clark County Councilwoman Brittney Ferree and made child support payments with UTVFA funds. In July, it was revealed Noel spent $104,971.51 in department funds on child support between March 2020 and September 2023.

Noel also provided Ferree with gifts and travel. Ferree was arrested Aug. 23 and charged with felony official misconduct.

Jamey Noel's vast automobile collection has been under scrutiny by investigators since the beginning of the investigation.

According to court documents, 133 vehicles are registered to the Utica Township Volunteer Fire Department and New Chapel EMS. A review of those vehicles showed several were "inconsistent" with a not-for-profit fire department and EMS business.

Jamey is accused of orchestrating a vehicle trading and selling scheme where he traded in several cars registered to the UTVFA for vehicles he then registered to himself for personal use. In some cases, he allegedly sold them and pocketed the money.

Court documents released in early March indicated 26 containers of military surplus equipment belonging to the Clark County Sheriff's Office were found on a property in Deputy, Indiana. Hearon alleged Noel sold multiple items belonging to the sheriff's office and sold them for personal gain.

The investigation has also focused on former Scott County Sheriff Kenneth Hughbanks, a friend and associate of Jamey's. Hearon said Hughbanks failed to report over $200,000 in income on his taxes. He has not been charged.

In May, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita filed civil lawsuits against the entire Noel family in an effort to recover $4 million in funds the Noels illegally spent.

In July, court documents revealed Jamey spent thousands in UTVFA funds on Reds ticket, golf in Florida and restaurants post-arrest. Another round of documents released by ISP showed Noel spent $60,000 on travel for himself and Ferree, and for members of his family.

Clarksville police officer and Clark County Councilman John Miller was also arrested Aug. 23 and charged with one count of felony official misconduct. According to ISP, Noel provided him with 20-25 free meals and concert tickets, and Miller voted on several New Chapel EMS/UTVFA funding requests without disclosing a possible conflict of interest.

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