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Billy Plott's battle with prostate cancer | Check Up 13

About 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society.

KOKOMO, Ind. — Check Up 13 this September is focused on men's health. We traveled to Kokomo to meet Billy Plott, who is facing a significant health challenge. 

At 58, Plott is in treatment for metastatic prostate cancer. The diagnosis this spring hit hard.

“Yeah, it really did. It was a shocker. I wasn’t really sure how to accept it, how to take it. Just got quiet and just let it absorb,” Plott said.

Plott had no symptoms but had missed years of crucial blood work.

“I guess I should have kept up with it, obviously,” Plott said.

After diagnosis, Dr. Fadi Hayek, Billy's Ascension St. Vincent oncologist, prescribed chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

Credit: WTHR

“Billy’s prognosis right now is good. He is doing very well, has regained his function, and we expect the cancer to continue responding to chemotherapy,” Hayek said.

However, the journey has been tough. Plott has lost his job, tires easily, and regrets not keeping up with his health screenings.

“The importance of having blood work really, really hit home,” Plott said.

He is now sharing his story to encourage others to get screened. Men at high risk should start screening in their 40s, and all men should begin annual screenings at 50. Plott, at 58, is determined to fight the disease.

“I’m going to fight it all the way, and I’m going to do what I have to do to win this,” Plott said.

To find out what’s recommended for you and to register for a free Check Up 13 screening, courtesy of Ascension St. Vincent, click here.

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