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Social media is causing us to impulse buy | What's the Deal?

Social media showing us what others are doing and buying can lead to more impulse purchases.

INDIANAPOLIS — The phrase "Keeping up with the Joneses" is not new.

But with social media, some of us find ourselves keeping up with the Joneses, the Smiths and the Browns.

That's because the platforms are showing us what other people are doing, or what they are buying. 

A Bankrate survey found 48% of social media users admit to making an impulse buy in the past year

Ted Rossman with Bankrate said the amount of money people are spending is not pocket change, either. 

"They're spending big bucks. This equates to about $750 per buyer over the past year," Rossman said. "That's about $71 billion across the nation."

To slow that unwanted spending, remove your stored credit card information from retail sites. The goal is this create a cool-off period. If possible, wait 24 hours. 

Also, consider unfollowing or unfriending accounts that make you feel bad about your life.

"That saying about keeping up with the Joneses, the Joneses might be in debt," said Rossman.

The study also found that 57% of those impulse buyers regretted at least one of their purchases. 

Because out of sight means out of mind, and out of mind means keeping money in your pocket. 

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